The Green Scroll is over
Here is a link to the video and below is a transcript of today’s Green Scroll that people from all over the world have signed and shipped to Paris to be displayed in front of the Eiffel Tower to let the world know that Ahmadinejad is not the president of Iran.
Summary Transcript:
This is the voice of Iranians. We are shouting to you [world governments] that we will overcome tyranny. We have etched on this scroll every signature to say not to engage with this repressive machine. If you [world governments] engage with this repressive machine, you will have allowed the justice of this long green chain that’s helping the Iranian people find their unity fade away. One day soon, this never ending scroll which is a symbol of unity will return to its rightful home to show all those added dictators that when people want, they can end tyranny.
It is a voice that no longer has a choice or an end. It is a voice free of lies and superficiality. It is a marvelous eternal voice in the march of liberty. The Iranians in the parliament are committing criminal acts. A day will come when Iranians will find all that they have lost and will triumph.
This is the voice of Iranians. They have shed their blood, been beaten, tortured and killed to bring liberty to their nation. Iranians are asking the judges of the world to hear their cries and not engage nor help our enemies [the current Iranian regime]. If you [world governments] accept this tyrannical regime, you would be trapping us all [Iranians] in a long green chain of coffin and would be preventing us from getting liberated.
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